July 18, 2006

Psychotic Trance

I heard my pounding heartbeat slow,
Faintly though,
A sudden halt, a crescendo,
Someone was performing a depressing melody,
Just a few miles away, may be,
A near silent rhythmic score,
Followed by screams of encore...encore,
Someone said, "Come on in",
A clear thumping,
Someone was approaching,
Something was heavily pouring,
It smelt like flesh,
And warm blood - home delivered - garden fresh,
Overflowing in beer crates,
Gaunt looks on every face,
Pale corpses,
Clasping my body,
Blue venom,
Faint vision,
Deep pools of dried up blood,
Am I the brand-new dead?
Someone was pulling me from behind,
Tying me down with twigs,
My breath was dying,
Red sweat beads & cooked skin,
I stooped,
The pulling stopped,
They were dancing naked,
Washing flesh afloat,
Down their throats,
Nibbling on spoils of creation?
Anointing me for an unworthy immolation?
Someone held a mirror up to me,
I can't see,
It can't be,
Last wish?
Before joining the list?
"Someone help me! Alive, someone left?"
Has Sandy come home yet?
Bips is flying tonight,
Someone is walking,
Over the rubble of death,
That has wrapped the naked earth,
I sunk in to hide myself,
Making my way in,
Falling down fast,
Hitting something soft,
I shut my eyes and shrunk into almost nothing,
Someone is still searching,
The drumbeat is nearing,
Awfully clear,
Melancholy served, chilled and pure,
It’s pounding...Have I died?
A sudden silence ensued,
And then an earsplitting blast,
Ghastly dream - thankfully lost,
Half eyes open and half shut,
Half alive,
The other half, of course, dead!
Festooned, to a wrecked ship's broken mast,
No one still home,
Darkness whispered,
She had a decayed breath,
Mourning over frozen death?
"Someone home?"
She said, "None",
"Please go away,I can't let you stay",
I uttered a scream,
And then a query,
"Did you drop a coin on the floor",
"What?”Replied Sandy,
He's home, Strangely!
Then a mumble violent,
Almost a war cry,
"Did you drop a new one-rupee coin on the floor in your room"
Silent nod, Confusion,
Can see no connection,
An unknown sadness,
My liberated madness,
"Yes, but you were in deep sleep and its just a tinkle!!”
My dying whisper said,"What? A tinkle of a dropped coin?
Can't be...It was a violent explosion!"

(I stay along with Sandy and Bips in Mumbai. This is about a dream I had a day after the July 11th blasts in Mumbai.)


Anonymous said...

Do you listen to Jim Morrison?

Vamshi said...

Yes. Good guess but whoz this?

Anonymous said...

Mah name is James Douglas Morrison...