July 20, 2006

Random Thoughts...

Someone at the lunch table in the canteen said this today. Every man's struggle starts with the most basic of the needs, he dreams of having the best meal on the plate everytime and suddenly somewhere, that very meal becomes the last priority of his life.

How many have I seen skipping lunch or going too late to the canteen for biting the leftovers? Too many. May be oneday, someday, not too far away we will have lunch, dinner and sleep "enabled" by our "To do lists". May be reminders on the MS Outlook would "support" us well or even SMS from our service provider who cares more about us than we do ourselves! Value-added services, else business is lost!


Anonymous said...

That will be height of convergence.....:)

Anonymous said...

That will be height of convergence.....:)

Vamshi said...

I just hope we don't reach those coveted heights

Anonymous said...

hey buddy ela unnav ra... iam sorry ra i lost ur num... please give me ur num i will call u bro

Anonymous said...

Vamshi, what happened old chap. Why this sudden morbid turn?

But frankly what you say kinda hurts because its too close to reality.